Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tim Burton's new movie Big Eyes at the Colony Theater Friday Dec 5th

Tim Burton has a new movie coming out, although quite different from what I think of as "traditional" Tim Burton movies if there is such a thing.  Big Eyes is based on a true story of American artist Margaret Keane, whose work during the 1950s and 1960s was believed to have been done by her then-husband, Walter Keane, because her husband took credit for her work during early shows.  They both kept up the ruse, and made a fortune, until their divorce.  I guess I should say "spoiler alert" but does that apply to a true story that was published in the news and is revealed in the trailer?  Kinda like Titanic, you should already know how this story ends.

To catch the movie before it's official release, travel to the Colony Theater at 1040 Lincoln Road on South Beach Friday December 5th at 8:30PM for a free showing.  Entry is free but seating is limited.  General release in the US is Christmas Day, which makes total sense since this is obviously a holiday movie right?  I wish they would have saved it for Valentine's Day instead.

The complete list of films and events came out in a press release by Art Basel Miami Beach yesterday and can  be found at the ABMB website. I am glad to hear they are putting in a proper viewing space for film inside the Convention Center!  

Back to Burton, I had the opportunity to see one of his early shorts this year.  Vincent from 1982 is a story about a man obsessed by horror and Vincent Price, and the film is narrated by Vincent Price himself.  I guess Vincent was done with his voice over work for Michael Jackson's Thriller, and found time for working on a short with a basically unknown Tim Burton.  This short is a gem.

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